A little update for everyone that is scared for Al-son's safety bellow you will see a picture of the stitches from the Veritas Game night (See Church + Fugitives= Blood).
Alyson is so awesome and loves our college age group so much that she purposely tore a chunk out of her arm so that she would not be required to play for the other team. To illustrate this look an how her boo-boo is shaped like a "V" its not for Vendetta its for Veritas!! Alyson you are awesome I LOVE YA!!
I am currently at Alysons and she is cleaning her room we found this really icky spider which her brother smashed soon after you are looking at the last moments of this spidres life. Can anyone please tell me if this is a hobo this is the second spider off this nature that she found. I myself trapped one under a glass for 8 hours the other day in my bathroom until my brother got home to kill.

Way to take one for the team!! The V symbolism was a very nice touch also. Also, it looks hobo-ish to me. They have the little "boxing gloves" under their head.
Ahh man Im really scared of the Hobos thanks to Ryan Becker they are all reproducing at his house
Hey Vicki, This could very likely be a hobo spider. The males have little "boxing gloves". They females will have larger butts than the males. This is a male, but it could also be a "Large common house spider" which is a close cousin to the hobo, and the "small common house spider". The HObo is also called the "aggressive house spider"The only way to tell the difference between the three is the markings on their legs. something to do with whether or not they have rings, speckles or nothing at all. I can't remember which is which, and I won't be getting that close. The Hobos are the lightning-fast-runs-all-the-way-up-to-your-knee-before-your-foot-hits-the-ground-when-you-try-to-stomp-on-him one, so the best method is to just use a broom, and jab not slap. the ends of the brissles will get 'em. By the way, if you get bit . . . the bite will last up to two weeks in muscle tissue, and up to two years in fatty tissue! So i won't let one bite me in the butt! (TWO YEARS!!!!!)
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