Saturday, July 25, 2009

Skull Church Babie!

Soooo…. I’ve been out of the Blogging world for a while now. I feel like I’m just really not that interesting… but the mood struck me today. I figured that I would start out a blog with some sweet pics from Skull Church.
The thing about Skull Church is that I’m totally stoked about what the Lord is doing in the Flathead Valley through Fresh Life. I have been serving in the nursery every other Wednesday for about ohh… 10 months and I can recall nights when Alyson and I only had 1, 2, or 0 babies in it… the one baby nights were pretty interesting. Pretty much all the babies were pastor’s babies also. Now all we have 5 people and a security guard every Wed and about 30 kids! It’s TOTALLY CRAZY I am so blessed and thankful to be a part of over 40 people being saved at Skull Church. Enjoy!