Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Votin and snowin

Today I went to vote and had to stand inline ( I took a picture of that but my mother informed me that I couldnt do that)
I had to stand in line in Whitefish MT to vote can you believe it?
Then I was glad that I didntwait becasue it started snowing! The first snow of the season

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Girls Night

Tonight Garen and Jayne went on a date and let me come and watch Kricket and Mablle. Well I decided that I wanted to have fun and I was sure that the girls did to so when I was at Target the other day I found a cool craft to make and it was something that they could keep for a long time. They are these really cool stepping stones. Heres what the girls did with them they are both very creative and well behaved.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A little something extra...

Today I decided that I needed to bring my good friend Alyson a drink.. the only choce in my book is Starbucks... I have many friends that work at my local Bucks and they all are my church family (Well at least 80% and were working on the rest) works there. Well one of my favorite People Kenneth Martin Keller Jr. was working Bar today. I was talking to my good friends Gayla and Frankie when I noticed that

it was taking a very long time to get a Punpkin Spice Latte and a mocha. So when I went to invistigate I found Kenny applying chocolate to the whipped cream in the Mocha.

Then I got handed my Mocha and Late and it was a masterpiece!!! It sould probably be put on a Starbucks gift card or something. I almost felt bad for drinking them but they also looked mighty tasty. Here is why...

Notitce how every cranny of the whipped cream has chocolate in it and it also makes a perfect little spiral. Then theres the Late that is perfectly sprinkled with Cinnamon!! Ahh man I think I need another one now looking at these sweet drinks!!

Kenny congratulations you have now won the award for the best Starbucks bevrage that I have ever consumed!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

(Insert evil laugh here)

Muahhh hhaaa!! Tonight at Veritas while in a very heated hide and go seek battle Alyson and I discoverd that the Fresh Life nursery had been left unlocked. Thus I went upstairs and told Josh that I would lock the door if he let me borrow his keys.

Thus the fun began I went in my naked feet as Alyson calls them then we relized that Josh's keys infact also contained his car keys!!! Since we had hid in Elisha's trunk the week before we decided that it was Josh's turn.

Jayne, Alyson, and I jumped in Josh's car and decided it would be really funny to move it to in front of the Liberty around the corner. Then we decided that Josh's car really longed to return to its home at the Over Flowing cup. So we parked it there and walked back to the Strand ( Im still naked in the feet area) .

Apon arival Josh instantly knew what was up but he was not prepared for what awaited him...

After the message we all thought that it would be a great idea to go to Taco Bell Josh however was sad to find his parking spot empty.

Once at Taco Bell I showed Josh this clue...
Needless to say Josh found his car and I got to draw this sweet pic of Alyson, Jayne,and I preforming auto thevery!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Passion World Tour Vancover


Josh and I rode up this elevator 6 times a total of 12 to get the Veritas announcements... We are both afraid of hights and we both get very motion sick... It was worth the sacrafice in the end thought the viedo came out EPOCH! Im spelling Epic that way now just so you know.

Our sweet Seattle Pad

We were very blessed on our trip that Gayla had friends who let us crash at their rental for almost a week they were in between renters and we were very blessed it even had a cool little frogg mini-village woutside in the garden.

Pikes Market and Downtown Seattle

The Gorge

On the Road Again

Were leaving from Kalispell

Here we stopped at yet another Starbucks to go to the bathroom and took this picture this is about the time that Josh said " We'll drive we have no reservations about going fast..." Famous last words.
Suprise... Here is the cop that pulled us over Josh is driving Frankies car in from of the cop he pulled us both over!! I was VERY nervous because I had never been pulled over before.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Passion(s) Tour

The (s) is for Frankie I kept calling it the Passions tour which Frankie informed me is a soap opera.... yah I know I was kind of wierded out that he knew that too..... it has been a very long time since I've blogged due to the fact that our home computer completly ate it and our hard drive went to heven (or Hell if your a Mac Lover). I dont have alot of time to up load my pictures from the event but Josh does have some on his blog and Elicia also. Ill put links at the bottom for you. I just wanted to quickly tell you of what an amazing time I had!! I had an amazing group of God loving friends with me and I am very sad that I cant wake up in the morning and spend time in devo and prayer. Thank you to Josh, Gayla, Franike, Elisha, and Garrett. I will always remember this time and how I became closer to the Lord through your friendships.
As for the actual concert it was like nothing Ive ever experienced before! 7,000 people worshiping the Lord. Besides David Crowder my favorite moment was when everyone prayed aloud to the Lord the entire stadium was filled with voices some in different languages and some shouting at the top of their lungs. It was "Epoch". Gayla asked me how the confrence was and I told her that I could not think of a word to describe it... I still cant... Well I have to run I am super stoked about returning to Fresh Life I missed my secound family while I was away and I wished that everyone from Veritas could have come and shared the night with us. See you all soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cottege Inn and Baptisim

I had a fun weekend off I went to a 4 year olds birhtday party(Where I played in one of those fun bouncy houses), I smashed a couple Hobo Spiders, I went to the Cottege Inn in Kila for some GREAT wine and friends, and I got to watch 42 people show their commetment to Christ. It will probably be my last weekend off for the summer because I only get one a month... I'm going to try not to complain anymore though because some people work EVERY weekend Here are some pics...

This is my Friend Garrett and also my friend Mr. Josh (Arthur) Bowers.

Than you to all these guys for leading us in our walks toward GOD!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

"V" for Veritas

A little update for everyone that is scared for Al-son's safety bellow you will see a picture of the stitches from the Veritas Game night (See Church + Fugitives= Blood).
Alyson is so awesome and loves our college age group so much that she purposely tore a chunk out of her arm so that she would not be required to play for the other team. To illustrate this look an how her boo-boo is shaped like a "V" its not for Vendetta its for Veritas!! Alyson you are awesome I LOVE YA!!

I am currently at Alysons and she is cleaning her room we found this really icky spider which her brother smashed soon after you are looking at the last moments of this spidres life. Can anyone please tell me if this is a hobo this is the second spider off this nature that she found. I myself trapped one under a glass for 8 hours the other day in my bathroom until my brother got home to kill.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Church + Fugitives = Blood

I don’t know why I am going to blog this now when it is 10 pm and I have to work at 6am. I know to some of you it doesn’t seem like a big deal but when you have worked at 5 am the past two days I assure you it is an exhausting deal!!!
Ill just say this that there was a little cheating going on at the “Veritas/ Interface Game Nigh Showdown” however, it was by both sides and we had fun…..Well everyone except Alyson…. You’ll see why…..
Here is Mr. Ambrose showing off our secret weapon before the other team arrives!

David is psyching himself my mentally for the whooping were about to throw down! With Kasey in the background who turned out to be a very valuable asset he never even made it out of the park he was so into his character. He was never cought before the game ended I might also add!

Once Veritas arrived at the park we changed into old people outfits so make us less noticeable. Here is Alyson (all intact missing no skin) modeling this lovely fluorescent moo-moo! We were not even across the park when Sabrend tagged us. She looks like she’s wearing a Kimono!!

Here you can see just how heated this battle got here’s all of David’s hair!! I think Mr. Ryan Becker ripped it off his head!!!!

Here’s everyone waiting for Kasey he was taking forever we though he was still playing but he was wearing a gray wig and had a cane he was shakin’ and he was all walking slowly hunched over we were all standing taking at the church while he wasn’t even out of Woodland Park yet! We picked him up though.

Next its our turn to find them they take our Alyson and things turn scary…

Veritas drives around trying to find the Interface group… Josh receives a call that someone has hurt their arm and his keys are required we show up to this mess!!!

This would be the result of Alyson jumping over a fence 7 stiches and one hospital visit later I am happy to report the she is just fine plus I bet she'll have a really cool scar afterward!! Veritas won by the way, thanks to Garrens maneuvering skills and Jills lack there of!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Hole in the Wall Gang

Formally the Hole in the Wall gang was these old timin', rowdy, whisky drinkin', ten-gallon hat wearin', chew spittin', bank robin', possy of westerners.

My hole in the wall gang consists of some totally different types of cowboys. My Gang is a group of Jesus freakin', bible readin', Mac lovin', cool shirt wearin', possy of mostly New Mexican transplants.

Here's the story be careful for all the twists..

Friday was Star Wars night at the Stand if you missed it then I don’t know what to tell you it was awesome. Eric "Danger" Bonner graced the Strand Theatre in a Cow Jedi costume that he likes to call Count Moo-Moo. If you would like to witness this you should come to the next Star Wars night we should have another one in September and you can catch the photo cast from that night at freshlifechurch.org . This however is not my story it is only a interesting tidbit to get you to read on.

After the movie ended I stayed with the Veritas (Fresh Life's College age Ministry) to help clean up. I don’t want to toot my own horn (toot toot) but I used to clean the theatre for a living after movies for most of my high-school years.... well I wouldn’t classify it as a living more of a way to buy cool things I got paid $6.50/hr to manage two theatre's. Any-who the night was winding down and a select few of the leader elite (plus Alyson and I) we cleaning the popcorn machine when we were talking about how the Strand started out as an actual play theatre and it was run by Asians, at that time (probably the Hole In The Wall Gang's time) it was legal to kill an Asian for no reason at all. The entire downtown area of Kalispell was run by said Asian’s. They built tunnels under the streets to get from place to place with out being killed.

I am not sure when the tunnels were bricked up my guess is the 40's to 50's. These tunnels were thought to be unsafe.

One Eric M. told me that I was mistaken that he had seen no such brick wall. So a band of brave warriors went into the pitch black-ghost infested guts under the street. There we found the proof of Kalispell's eerie lost past. Our gang consisted of Frankie, Alicia, Eric M., Eric B., Alyson, and myself. We all decided there must be a way to get behind there.

We were compelled to explore more. Keep in mind that I worked at this theater everyday for two years and Fresh Life has occupied this space since January... Eric M. The braniac he is finds another place were newer brickwork was completed. On further inspection we notice something peculiar... the dryer vent is venting into what appears to be a brick wall as well as ventilation duct. Eric ripped out the vent praying that bats will not fly out to find.....

A large room, we can see about half way under the street with what small amount of light is emerging from our flashlights. The thing that I find odd is that this room has always existed and I have never known anyone who has ever speculated its existence. The hole is probably about 6in square I know this because I work at Lowe's and that is the standard size for vent pipes. If we can get into this room it may prove to not be a room at all but it could be the Asian tunnel. There is still even things in this room for those of you who are not aware I am "vertically challenged and I couldn't see into the room that well, I am told that there is a light fixture and everything. This leaves me wondering...
1. Who masoned this wall
2.Why were they in such a hurry that they would not clear it out first?
I am blessed that I am still able to explore this Epically AWSOME building and that it will last for a while now that it is in good hands. I think that I can speak for everyone who has put sweet blood and tears into that building when I say we are thankful that people have it now who appreciate and love its mysteries. I hope that we discover much more.