Alright enough is enough already. I have come out of my blog retirement to make a special blog about my Zune. Yesterday I went to work and arrived home to find my friend Ryan Becker (who has recently purchased an ipod touch and we've been feuding since Christmas about Zune vs. ipod) had left me a message with a link attached. I clicked and discovered that my Zune was probably broken. Apparently Microsoft told the Zunes that it was not a leap year and it should be 2009 in Dec 31 the Zunes were very confused and refused to work for some idiots who cant even read a calender. I mean honestly 2008 has been a leap year since leap years were invented. In fact my friend Jenny turned 5 this year and she also got MARRIED!
AWESOME I think to my self I'm going too Garren and Jaynes for new years this better be fun. I'm not at the Heartmens home for more than 5 min before Eric Bonner walks in the door and starts in then Ryan comes in from the kitchen to join in on the Vicki/Zune-bashing. If that wasn't enough Josh Bowers comes and starts in.
SO here's where I'm coming from Zunes actually don't cost any less than ipods so lets not pour salt into the wounds. There are also a couple reasons why I choose a Zune.
1. EVERYONE even my grandma has a ipod. I didn't want to be everyone. How does it feel to have bought into the ipod brainwashing?
2.When I bought my Zune touches had just come out and they were pretty expensive. Nanos are stupid!!! The screen is so small that there may as well not be one plus the nanos are so small they get lost easy ask my brother Ive lost his first Nano and had to buy a whole new one for him.
SO EVERYBODY LAY OFF PLEASE! My Zune works now and I still have a year and a half left on my extended warranty.