Saturday, July 25, 2009

Skull Church Babie!

Soooo…. I’ve been out of the Blogging world for a while now. I feel like I’m just really not that interesting… but the mood struck me today. I figured that I would start out a blog with some sweet pics from Skull Church.
The thing about Skull Church is that I’m totally stoked about what the Lord is doing in the Flathead Valley through Fresh Life. I have been serving in the nursery every other Wednesday for about ohh… 10 months and I can recall nights when Alyson and I only had 1, 2, or 0 babies in it… the one baby nights were pretty interesting. Pretty much all the babies were pastor’s babies also. Now all we have 5 people and a security guard every Wed and about 30 kids! It’s TOTALLY CRAZY I am so blessed and thankful to be a part of over 40 people being saved at Skull Church. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Maui hotel

Ka'ahanapali Shores hotel in Maui. This is our room just a real quick viedo. We discovered that a family in San Fransisco actualy owns it and the hotel rents is out kinda like a time share thing. Ill post some more viedos later on. Wish you were here....Vicki

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shawn McDonald

Last Night I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful concert by a super awesome performer named Shawn McDonald. Alyson and I have had his "Take My Hand" song as our friendship theme song since last summer (We like to shoulder dance in the car to it). So hers a video from the concert.

So after the concert which was ROASTING BTW! I convinced the lovely ladies I went with to stay afterward to try to meet Mr. McDonald. About 10 min later we decided that ice cream sounded better. Rischelle and I needed to use the ladies room, as we entered the hall we discovered Mr. McDonald. He is a super nice humble man and he agreed to take a picture with us. Notice the close proximity of me to him! OOOPPPS!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet the Hartmans

These are my good friends Garren and Jayne Hartman. They are some of the coolest people that I know just look at the matching shirts. A couple weeks ago they wore these shirts to church on Sunday and I didn't get the chance to take a picture to blog about it. Alas my blogging dreams came true this evening at Veritas. That's why you should come to Veritas you never know what epic shirts you ll miss, oh, and Josh has some pretty good teachings too.
Ahh man I just realized you can see me in the window I'm wearing a bright yellow shirt. It is only because I washed the windows they were REALLY narley.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Alright enough is enough already. I have come out of my blog retirement to make a special blog about my Zune. Yesterday I went to work and arrived home to find my friend Ryan Becker (who has recently purchased an ipod touch and we've been feuding since Christmas about Zune vs. ipod) had left me a message with a link attached. I clicked and discovered that my Zune was probably broken. Apparently Microsoft told the Zunes that it was not a leap year and it should be 2009 in Dec 31 the Zunes were very confused and refused to work for some idiots who cant even read a calender. I mean honestly 2008 has been a leap year since leap years were invented. In fact my friend Jenny turned 5 this year and she also got MARRIED!

AWESOME I think to my self I'm going too Garren and Jaynes for new years this better be fun. I'm not at the Heartmens home for more than 5 min before Eric Bonner walks in the door and starts in then Ryan comes in from the kitchen to join in on the Vicki/Zune-bashing. If that wasn't enough Josh Bowers comes and starts in.

SO here's where I'm coming from Zunes actually don't cost any less than ipods so lets not pour salt into the wounds. There are also a couple reasons why I choose a Zune.

1. EVERYONE even my grandma has a ipod. I didn't want to be everyone. How does it feel to have bought into the ipod brainwashing?

2.When I bought my Zune touches had just come out and they were pretty expensive. Nanos are stupid!!! The screen is so small that there may as well not be one plus the nanos are so small they get lost easy ask my brother Ive lost his first Nano and had to buy a whole new one for him.

SO EVERYBODY LAY OFF PLEASE! My Zune works now and I still have a year and a half left on my extended warranty.