Formally the Hole in the Wall gang was these old timin', rowdy, whisky drinkin', ten-gallon hat wearin', chew spittin', bank robin', possy of westerners.
My hole in the wall gang consists of some totally different types of cowboys. My Gang is a group of Jesus freakin', bible readin', Mac lovin', cool shirt wearin', possy of mostly New Mexican transplants.
Here's the story be careful for all the twists..
Friday was Star Wars night at the Stand if you missed it then I don’t know what to tell you it was awesome. Eric "Danger" Bonner graced the Strand Theatre in a Cow Jedi costume that he likes to call Count Moo-Moo. If you would like to witness this you should come to the next Star Wars night we should have another one in September and you can catch the photo cast from that night at freshlifechurch.org . This however is not my story it is only a interesting tidbit to get you to read on.
After the movie ended I stayed with the Veritas (Fresh Life's College age Ministry) to help clean up. I don’t want to toot my own horn (toot toot) but I used to clean the theatre for a living after movies for most of my high-school years.... well I wouldn’t classify it as a living more of a way to buy cool things I got paid $6.50/hr to manage two theatre's. Any-who the night was winding down and a select few of the leader elite (plus Alyson and I) we cleaning the popcorn machine when we were talking about how the Strand started out as an actual play theatre and it was run by Asians, at that time (probably the Hole In The Wall Gang's time) it was legal to kill an Asian for no reason at all. The entire downtown area of Kalispell was run by said Asian’s. They built tunnels under the streets to get from place to place with out being killed.
I am not sure when the tunnels were bricked up my guess is the 40's to 50's. These tunnels were thought to be unsafe.
One Eric M. told me that I was mistaken that he had seen no such brick wall. So a band of brave warriors went into the pitch black-ghost infested guts under the street. There we found the proof of Kalispell's eerie lost past. Our gang consisted of Frankie, Alicia, Eric M., Eric B., Alyson, and myself. We all decided there must be a way to get behind there.
We were compelled to explore more. Keep in mind that I worked at this theater everyday for two years and Fresh Life has occupied this space since January... Eric M. The braniac he is finds another place were newer brickwork was completed. On further inspection we notice something peculiar... the dryer vent is venting into what appears to be a brick wall as well as ventilation duct. Eric ripped out the vent praying that bats will not fly out to find.....
A large room, we can see about half way under the street with what small amount of light is emerging from our flashlights. The thing that I find odd is that this room has always existed and I have never known anyone who has ever speculated its existence. The hole is probably about 6in square I know this because I work at Lowe's and that is the standard size for vent pipes. If we can get into this room it may prove to not be a room at all but it could be the Asian tunnel. There is still even things in this room for those of you who are not aware I am "vertically challenged and I couldn't see into the room that well, I am told that there is a light fixture and everything. This leaves me wondering...
1. Who masoned this wall
2.Why were they in such a hurry that they would not clear it out first?
I am blessed that I am still able to explore this Epically AWSOME building and that it will last for a while now that it is in good hands. I think that I can speak for everyone who has put sweet blood and tears into that building when I say we are thankful that people have it now who appreciate and love its mysteries. I hope that we discover much more.