Wow a whole page full of my thoughts who would ever want to read this? I dont really know it is kinda like acceptable snooping isn't it. Heres a little tase of what my personal blog has to offer that others can only attempt.....
1. Thousands of Mis-spelled words
2. Random thoughts (most of them odd)
3. Stories that I think are intresting and tell everyone that I meet even if they wont care
This may not sound appealing BUT... there will be pictures and they will probably be candid and that allows for a 80% probability that they will be hilarious and embarassing.
They will probably even be of you..... think about that...... do you really want to miss out? My blog will change the world. Children in India will see said photos and feel compled to fly to Montana to visit Me, You, and Fresh Life Church.
Heres a little preview of you some intresting things that I have done thus far this week...
On Wendsday Fresh Life had our monthly service at Depot Park I have trouble sitting still and paying attention one thing that I have to aid in my concentration is a journling bible!!! It is amazing I can jot down notes or when I start to day dream like JD on Scrubs I most fequently doodle. It has become one of my wierd Vicki-ims and Now people ask me if I have any drawings here in My Eric Bonner pic... He was close and I had a red pen you do the math he was a natural canadate....

On Saturday I was super dooper excited to be invited to Garen and Jaynes for a EPIC lake day I have only a couple pics Ryan took all the good pictures with is fancy camera so here are some embarassing candid pics as promised...

Talk to you guys soon Ill do better about using spell check!!!